Global companies, in various areas such as Innovation and Technology, Finance, Agribusiness & Trading, Retail, Consulting & Professional Services, Shared Services Centers, among others, develop their activities to the world from WTC Montevideo Free Zone.
Part of the success of this business model is the support in the process of analysis and installation. The value proposition includes all the services that global companies require in order to start operations.
A multidisciplinary team that provides support in the development of the project: from the best commercial solution, to the assembly of the documentation required for approval in the Área de Zonas Francas.
Support in the construction process, starting with the definition of the best layout, to the execution of it, in turn providing a complete offer of specialized agreements with different companies in the sector.
A comprehensive program for the development of the people, which encompasses the complete pre- and post-contracting process through specialized services.
Actions that encourage people's personal and professional growth as well as provide a space to get to know each other and have fun.
A wide range of recognized professional studies to provide support in different areas such as: Legal, Accounting, Tax, among others.